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Author: EurLex-2


[2] По-подробна информация относно състоянието на ВЗРИ в държавите от ЕС, САЩ и Канада, е на разположение в публикация на Комисията No 179 Радиационна защита, Проучване относно текущото състояние на радиоактивните източници в ЕС, относно причината и последиците от загубата на контрол на радиоактивните източници и относно успешните стратегии за откриването и вторичното използване на безстопанствени източници, 2014 г.
[2] Podrobnější informace o situaci HASS ve státech EU, ve Spojených státech amerických a v Kanadě lze nalézt v publikaci Komise na téma radiační ochrany č. 179 z roku 2014 s názvem Study on the current status of radioactive sources in the EU, on the origin and consequences of loss of control over radioactive sources and on successful strategies concerning the detection and recovery of orphan sources.
[2] Πιο αναλυτικές πληροφορίες σχετικά με την κατάσταση της οδηγίας ΚΠΥΕ στα κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ, τις ΗΠΑ και τον Καναδά παρέχονται στη δημοσίευση της Επιτροπής για την προστασία από την ακτινοβολία αριθ. 179, Study on the current status of radioactive sources in the EU, on the origin and consequences of loss of control over radioactive sources and on successful strategies concerning the detection and recovery of orphan sources, 2014.
[2] More detailed information on the situation of HASS in EU States, USA and Canada is available at the Commission publication Radiation protection N° 179, Study on the current status of radioactive sources in the EU, on the origin and consequences of loss of control over radioactive sources and on successful strategies concerning the detection and recovery of orphan sources, 2014.
[2] Puede encontrarse información más detallada sobre la situación de las FSAE en los Estados miembros de la UE, los Estados Unidos y Canadá en la publicación sobre protección radiológica de la Comisión no 179 «Study on the current status of radioactive sources in the EU, on the origin and consequences of loss of control over radioactive sources and on successful strategies concerning the detection and recovery of orphan sources», 2014.
[2] Üksikasjalikumat teavet kõrgaktiivsete kinniste kiirgusallikate olukorra kohta ELi liikmesriikides, USAs ja Kanadas leiab kiirguskaitset käsitlevast komisjoni väljaandest nr 179 (Study on the current status of radioactive sources in the EU, on the origin and consequences of loss of control over radioactive sources and on successful strategies concerning the detection and recovery of orphan sources, 2014).
[2] Tarkempia tietoja korkea-aktiivisten umpilähteiden tilanteesta EU:n jäsenvaltioissa, Yhdysvalloissa ja Kanadassa annetaan komission julkaisussa Radiation protection N° 179, Study on the current status of radioactive sources in the EU, on the origin and consequences of loss of control over radioactive sources and on successful strategies concerning the detection and recovery of orphan sources, 2014.
[2] Des informations plus détaillées sur la situation des SSHA dans les États membres de l’UE, aux États-Unis et au Canada sont disponibles dans la publication de la Commission Radiation protection n° 179 (disponible uniquement en anglais), étude sur la situation actuelle des sources radioactives dans l’UE, sur l’origine et les conséquences de la perte du contrôle des sources radioactives et sur les stratégies fructueuses de détection et de récupération des sources orphelines, 2014.
179, Studija o trenutačnom statusu radioaktivnih izvora u EU-u, o podrijetlu i posljedicama gubitka kontrole nad radioaktivnim izvorima i o uspješnim strategijama za otkrivanje izvora bez posjednika”, 2014. (Radiation protection N° 179, Study on the current status of radioactive sources in the EU, on the origin and consequences of loss of control over radioactive sources and on successful strategies concerning the detection and recovery of orphan sources, 2014).
[2] Részletesebb információk a HASS helyzetéről az uniós országokban, az Egyesült Államokban és Kanadában elérhetők a sugárvédelemről szóló 179. számú bizottsági kiadványban: Tanulmány a radioaktív sugárforrások jelenlegi helyzetéről az Unióban, a radioaktív sugárforrások feletti ellenőrzés elvesztésének okairól és következményeiről, valamint a gazdátlan sugárforrások felderítésére és összegyűjtésére irányuló sikeres stratégiákról, 2014.
[2] Informazioni più dettagliate sulla situazione delle sorgenti HASS nei paesi dell'UE, negli Stati Uniti e nel Canada sono disponibili nella pubblicazione della Commissione Radiation protection N° 179, Study on the current status of radioactive sources in the EU, on the origin and consequences of loss of control over radioactive sources and on successful strategies concerning the detection and recovery of orphan sources, 2014.
Komisijos radiacinės saugos leidinyje Nr. 179 Study on the current status of radioactive sources in the EU, on the origin and consequences of loss of control over radioactive sources and on successful strategies concerning the detection and recovery of orphan sources („Dabartinės radioaktyviųjų šaltinių padėties Europos Sąjungoje, radioaktyviųjų šaltinių kilmės bei jų kontrolės praradimo pasekmių ir paliktųjų šaltinių aptikimo bei išgavimo strategijų tyrimas“).
[2] Aktar informazzjoni ddettaljata dwar is-sitwazzjoni tal-HASS fl-Istati tal-UE, l-Istati Uniti u l-Kanada hija disponibbli fil-pubblikazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni Radiation Protection Nru 179 bl-isem ta' "Study on the current status of radioactive sources in the EU, on the origin and consequences of loss of control over radioactive sources and on successful strategies concerning the detection and recovery of orphan sources" (Studju dwar l-istatus attwali tas-sorsi radjuattivi fl-UE, dwar l-oriġini u l-konsegwenzi tan-nuqqas ta' kontroll fuq is-sorsi radjuattivi u dwar l-istrateġiji ta' suċċess li jikkonċernaw id-detezzjoni u l-irkupru tas-sorsi orfni), 2014.
[2] Bardziej szczegółowe informacje na temat sytuacji dotyczącej wysokoaktywnych źródeł zamkniętych w państwach UE, USA i Kanadzie, są dostępne w publikacji Komisji „Radiation protectionˮ, nr 179: „Study on the current status of radioactive sources in the EU, on the origin and consequences of loss of control over radioactive sources and on successful strategies concerning the detection and recovery of orphan sourcesˮ, 2014 r.
[2] Para informações mais pormenorizadas sobre a situação das HASS nos Estados-Membros da UE, EUA e Canadá, consultar a publicação da Comissão n.o 179 sobre proteção contra as radiações (Study on the current status of radioactive sources in the EU, on the origin and consequences of loss of control over radioactive sources and on successful strategies concerning the detection and recovery of orphan sources, 2014).
[2] Informații mai detaliate privind situația HASS din statele membre ale UE, Canada și SUA sunt disponibile în publicația Radiation protection nr. 179 care propune un studiu al situației actuale a surselor radioactive din UE, al provenienței și consecințelor pierderii controlului asupra surselor radioactive și al strategiilor de succes din domeniul detectării și al recuperării surselor orfane, 2014.
[2] Podrobnejšie informácie o situácii VURŽ v štátoch EÚ, USA a Kanade sú k dispozícii v publikácii Komisie o radiačnej ochrane č. 179 – Štúdia súčasného stavu rádioaktívnych žiaričov v EÚ, pôvodu a následkov straty kontroly nad rádioaktívnymi žiaričmi a úspešných stratégií detekcie a spätného získavania opustených žiaričov, 2014.
[2] Podrobnejše informacije o stanju v zvezi z visokoaktivnimi zaprtimi radioaktivnimi viri v državah EU, ZDA in Kanadi so v publikaciji Komisije o varstvu pred sevanjem št. 179 iz leta 2014 (Radiation protection N° 179, Study on the current status of radioactive sources in the EU, on the origin and consequences of loss of control over radioactive sources and on successful strategies concerning the detection and recovery of orphan sources).


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