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En 2010, Darrel Strobel, d'a Universidat Johns Hopkins, identificó una gran abundancia d'hidrochén molecular en as napas atmosfericas superiors de Titán contimparatos con as napas inferiors, arguyindo un fluxo descendent con una taxa d'aproximatament 1028 moleculas per segundo e a desaparición de l'hidrochén amán d'a superficie de Titán; como Strobel notó, os suyos descubrimientos yeran en linia con os efectos que McKay heba preditos si formas de vida metanochenicas estasen present.
In 2010, Darrell Strobel, from Johns Hopkins University, identified a greater abundance of molecular hydrogen in the upper atmospheric layers of Titan compared to the lower layers, arguing for a downward flow at a rate of roughly 1028 molecules per second and disappearance of hydrogen near Titan's surface; as Strobel noted, his findings were in line with the effects McKay had predicted if methanogenic life-forms were present.


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