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But today the chronological aspect of the events is all too often forgotten; it is forgotten that there wasa whole period at the Congress when the present minority was the majority (thanks to the participation of the Liebers and Akimovs), and that it was precisely at this period that the controversy over co-optation to the central bodies took place, the underlying reason for which was the difference within the Iskra organisation over the personal composition of the central bodies.
Men för närvarande glömmer man alltför ofta händelsernas kronologiska ordning, glömmer att den nuvarande minoriteten under en hel period av kongressen var majoritet (tack vare lieberarnas och akimovarnas medverkan) och att just till denna period hänförde sig tvisten om kooptationer till centralinstanserna, vars bakgrund var meningsskiljaktigheten i Iskra-organisationen om centralinstansernas personsammansättning.


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