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To wit: Marx’s correspondence with the Populists in the 1870’s, the two cubic meters of notes on Russian agriculture he left at his death (he didn’t finish Capital because in the last decade of his life he became fascinated by the agrarian question in Russia), and the various new prefaces to the Manifesto and other writings from the 1878-1883 period that reflected his involvement with Russia. (He had even concealed the extent of this from Engels, who became furious when he read that work on the Russian question had been the real reason for the incompleteness ofCapital ).
즉, 1870년대맑스의인민주의자들과의서신왕래, 그가죽을때남긴 3평방미터에이르는러시아농업에관한언급들(그는생애마지막 10년간러시아의농업문제에열중했기때문에 『자본』을끝마치지못했다), 그리고그가러시아에몰두했음을반영하는선언의다양한새로운서문들과 1878-1883년간의다른저작들.(그는이러한관심의정도를엥겔스에게조차말하지않았고, 엥겔스는러시아문제에관한작업이자본의미완성의실질적이유임을알고는격분했다).


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