Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 4339066613118271980


Author: not-set


‘For this and other reasons, it was decided by the EUMC that the NFPs should maintain a special focus on antisemitism during 2003’ (p. 10).
En la página 10 del informe se afirma que, por ésta y otras razones, el Observatorio Europeo del Racismo y la Xenofobia decidió que los CNC habían de seguir prestando especial atención al antisemitismo durante 2003.
Sivulla 10 esitetään seuraavaa: ”For this and other reasons, it was decided by the EUMC that the NFPs should maintain a special focus on antisemitism during 2003” (näiden ja muiden syiden perusteella Euroopan rasismin ja muukalaisvihan seurantakeskus päätti, että kansallisten keskusten (NFP) olisi kiinnitettävä erityistä huomiota antisemitismiin vuonna 2003).
«For this and other reasons, it was decided by the EUMC that the NFPs should maintain a special focus on antisemitism during 2003» (pour cette raison et pour d'autres, l'Observatoire européen des phénomènes racistes et xénophobes décida que les centres nationaux continueraient à accorder une attention particulière à l'antisémitisme en 2003) est-il indiqué à la page 10.
Per questa ed altre ragioni, l'EUMC ha deciso che le NFP avrebbero dovuto concentrarsi in modo particolare sull'antisemitismo durante il 2003, si afferma a pagina 10.
„For this and other reasons, it was decided by the EUMC that the NFPs should maintain a special focus on antisemitism during 2003” (om deze en andere redenen besloot het EUMC dat de NFP's gedurende 2003 speciale aandacht aan het antisemitisme zouden blijven schenken), wordt gesteld op pagina 10.
«For this and other reasons, it was decided by the EUMC that the NFPs should maintain a special focus on antisemitism during 2003» (Por esta e outras razões, o OERX decidiu que os centros nacionais deverão continuar a dedicar especial atenção ao anti-semitismo durante 2003), como se afirma na página 10.
”For this and other reasons, it was decided by the EUMC that the NFPs should maintain a special focus on antisemitism during 2003” (av dessa och andra orsaker beslutade EUMC att de nationella kontaktpunkterna under 2003 skulle fortsätta ägna särskild uppmärksamhet åt antisemitismen) står det på sida 10.


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