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Author: EurLex-2


2 Запитването е отправено в рамките на спорове между Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Министерство на околната среда на Северна Ирландия, наричано по-нататък „Department of the Environment“), от една страна, и Seaport (NI) Ltd. (наричано по-нататък „Seaport“), Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts и Creagh Concrete Products Ltd, от друга страна, по повод валидността на проектоплановете за устройство на територията на Северна Ирландия, наречени „Draft Northern Area Plan 2016“ и „Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015“.
2 Tato žádost byla předložena v rámci sporů mezi Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (ministerstvo životního prostředí Severního Irska, dále jen „Department of the Environment“) na straně jedné a Seaport (NI) Ltd (dále jen „společnost Seaport“), jakož i Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts a Creagh Concrete Products Ltd na straně druhé ve věci platnosti návrhů plánů pro území Severního Irska nazvaných „Draft Northern Area Plan 2016“ a „Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015“.
2 Denne anmodning er blevet fremsat i forbindelse med sager, der føres af Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Nordirlands miljøministerium, herefter »Department of the Environment«) mod Seaport (NI) Ltd (herefter »Seaport«), Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts og Creagh Concrete Products Ltd angående gyldigheden af udkastene til planerne for Nordirlands område, benævnt »Draft Northern Area Plan 2016« og »Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015«.
2 Dieses Ersuchen ergeht im Rahmen eines Rechtsstreits zwischen dem Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Umweltministerium Nordirland, im Folgenden: Department of the Environment) einerseits und der Seaport (NI) Ltd (im Folgenden: Seaport) sowie dem Magherafelt District Council, der F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, der Younger Homes Ltd, der Heron Brothers Ltd, der G Small Contracts und der Creagh Concrete Products Ltd andererseits über die Gültigkeit der für das Gebiet von Nordirland erstellten Planentwürfe „Draft Northern Area Plan 2016“ und „Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015“.
2 Η αίτηση αυτή υποβλήθηκε στο πλαίσιο ένδικων διαφορών μεταξύ του Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Υπουργείου Περιβάλλοντος της Βόρειας Ιρλανδίας, στο εξής: Department of the Environment) και της Seaport (NI) Ltd (στο εξής: Seaport) καθώς και του Magherafelt District Council και των F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts και Creagh Concrete Products Ltd, με αντικείμενο την εγκυρότητα προκαταρκτικών σχεδίων για τη Βόρεια Ιρλανδία με τον τίτλο «Draft Northern Area Plan 2016» και «Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015».
2 The reference has been made in proceedings between, on the one hand, the Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (‘the Department of the Environment’) and, on the other, Seaport (NI) Ltd (‘Seaport’) and Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts and Creagh Concrete Products Ltd, concerning the validity of the draft plans for Northern Ireland entitled ‘Draft Northern Area Plan 2016’ and ‘Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015’.
2 Dicha petición se presentó en el marco de litigios entre el Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente de Irlanda del Norte; en lo sucesivo, «Department of the Environment») y, por una parte, Seaport (NI) Ltd (en lo sucesivo, «Seaport») y, por otra, Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts y Creagh Concrete Products Ltd, en relación con la validez de los proyectos de planes para el territorio de Irlanda del Norte denominados «Draft Northern Area Plan 2016» y «Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015».
2 Kõnealune eelotsusetaotlus esitati kohtuvaidluses, mille pooled on ühelt poolt Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Põhja‐Iiri keskkonnaministeerium, edaspidi „Department of the Environment”) ja teiselt poolt Seaport (NI) Ltd (edaspidi „Seaport”) ning Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts ja Creagh Concrete Products Ltd (edaspidi koos „Magherafelt jt”), ning mis puudutab Põhja‐Iiri territooriumi üldplaneeringu eelnõude „Draft Northern Area Plan 2016” ja „Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015” kehtivust.
2 Tämä pyyntö on esitetty asioissa, joissa asianosaisina ovat Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Pohjois-Irlannin ympäristöministeriö, jäljempänä Department of the Environment) sekä Seaport (NI) Ltd (jäljempänä Seaport), Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts ja Creagh Concrete Products Ltd ja joka koskee ”Draft Northern Area Plan 2016”- ja ”Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015” -nimisten Pohjois-Irlannin aluetta koskevien suunnitelmaluonnosten pätevyyttä.
2 Cette demande a été présentée dans le cadre de litiges opposant le Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (ministère de l’Environnement de l’Irlande du Nord, ci-après le «Department of the Environment») à Seaport (NI) Ltd (ci-après «Seaport») ainsi qu’au Magherafelt District Council, à F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, à Younger Homes Ltd, à Heron Brothers Ltd, à G Small Contracts et à Creagh Concrete Products Ltd, au sujet de la validité des projets de plans pour le territoire de l’Irlande du Nord dénommés «Draft Northern Area Plan 2016» et «Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015».
2 E kérelmet a Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Észak-Írország Környezetvédelmi Minisztériuma; a továbbiakban: Department of the Environment), illetve a Seaport (NI) Ltd (a továbbiakban: Seaport), valamint a Magherafelt District Council, az F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, a Younger Homes Ltd, a Heron Brothers Ltd, a G Small Contracts és a Creagh Concrete Products Ltd között, az Észak-Írország területére vonatkozó „Draft Northern Area Plan 2016” és „Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015” elnevezésű fejlesztési tervtervezetek érvényességével kapcsolatban folyamatban lévő jogvitákban terjesztették elő.
2 Tale domanda è stata proposta nell’ambito di controversie che vedono il Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Ministero dell’Ambiente dell’Irlanda del Nord; in prosieguo il: «Department of the Environment»), contrapposto alla Seaport (NI) Ltd (in prosieguo: la «Seaport») nonché al Magherafelt District Council, alla F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, alla Younger Homes Ltd, alla Heron Brothers Ltd, alla G Small Contracts e alla Creagh Concrete Products Ltd, in ordine alla validità delle proposte di piani per il territorio dell’Irlanda del Nord denominati «Draft Northern Area Plan 2016» e «Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015».
2 Šis prašymas buvo pateiktas nagrinėjant ginčus tarp Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Šiaurės Airijos aplinkos ministerija, toliau – Department of the Environment) ir Seaport (NI) Ltd (toliau – Seaport) bei Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts ir Creagh Concrete Products Ltd dėl Šiaurės Airijos teritorijos planų projektų „Draft Northern Area Plan 2016“ ir „Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015“ galiojimo.
2 Šis lūgums ir iesniegts lietās starp Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Ziemeļīrijas Vides ministrija, turpmāk tekstā – “Department of the Environment”) un Seaport (NI) Ltd (turpmāk tekstā – “Seaport”), kā arī Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts un Creagh Concrete Products Ltd par plānu Ziemeļīrijas teritorijai ar nosaukumiem “Draft Northern Area Plan 2016” un “Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015” projektu spēkā esamību.
2 Din it-talba ġiet ippreżentata fil-kuntest ta’ kawżi bejn id-Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Ministeru tal-Ambjent tal-Irlanda ta’ Fuq, iktar ’il quddiem id-“Department of the Environment”), u Seaport (NI) Ltd (iktar ’il quddiem “Seaport”) kif ukoll Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts u Creagh Concrete Products Ltd, dwar il-validità tal-abbozzi ta’ pjanijiet għat-territorju tal-Irlanda ta’ Fuq imsejħa “Draft Northern Area Plan 2016” u “Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015”.
2 Dit verzoek is ingediend in het kader van gedingen tussen, enerzijds, het Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (ministerie van Milieu van Noord-Ierland, hierna: „Department of the Environment” of „Department”), en, anderzijds, Seaport (NI) Ltd (hierna: „Seaport”), Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts en Creagh Concrete Products Ltd, over de geldigheid van de ontwerpplannen voor Noord-Ierland genaamd „Draft Northern Area Plan 2016” en „Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015”.
2 Wniosek ten został złożony w ramach sporów między Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (ministerstwem środowiska Irlandii Północnej, zwanym dalej „Department of the Environment”) a Seaport (NI) Ltd (zwaną dalej „Seaport”) oraz Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts i Creagh Concrete Products Ltd w przedmiocie ważności projektów planów dla terytorium Irlandii Północnej zatytułowanych „Draft Northern Area Plan 2016” i „Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015”.
2 Este pedido foi apresentado no âmbito de litígios que opõem o Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Ministério do Ambiente da Irlanda do Norte, a seguir «Department of the Environment») à Seaport (NI) Ltd (a seguir «Seaport»), ao Magherafelt District Council, à F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, à Younger Homes Ltd, à Heron Brothers Ltd, à G Small Contracts e à Creagh Concrete Products Ltd, a propósito da validade de projectos de planos para o território da Irlanda do Norte designados «Draft Northern Area Plan 2016» e «Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015».
2 Această cerere a fost formulată în cadrul unor litigii între Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Ministerul Mediului din Irlanda de Nord, denumit în continuare „Department of the Environment”), pe de o parte, și Seaport (NI) Ltd (denumit în continuare „Seaport”), precum și Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts și Creagh Concrete Products Ltd, pe de altă parte, având ca obiect validitatea proiectelor de planuri pentru teritoriul Irlandei de Nord denumite „Draft Northern Area Plan 2016” și „Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015”.
2 Tento návrh bol podaný v rámci sporov medzi na jednej strane Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (Ministerstvo životného prostredia Severného Írska, ďalej len „Department of the Environment“) a na druhej strane Seaport (NI) Ltd (ďalej len „Seaport“), ako aj Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts a Creagh Concrete Products Ltd vo veci platnosti návrhov plánov na území Severného Írska nazvaných „Draft Northern Area Plan 2016“ a „Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015“.
2 Ta predlog je bil vložen v okviru sporov med Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (ministrstvo za okolje za Severno Irsko, v nadaljevanju: Department of the Environment) ter Seaport (NI) Ltd (v nadaljevanju: Seaport), Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts in Creagh Concrete Products Ltd glede veljavnosti osnutkov načrtov za ozemlje Severne Irske, poimenovanih „Draft Northern Area Plan 2016“ in „Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015“.
2 Begäran har framställts i mål mellan å ena sidan Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland (miljöministeriet för Nordirland) (nedan kallat Department of the Environment) och å andra sidan Seaport (NI) Ltd (nedan kallat Seaport), Magherafelt District Council, F P McCann (Developments) Ltd, Younger Homes Ltd, Heron Brothers Ltd, G Small Contracts samt Creagh Concrete Products Ltd. Målen rör giltigheten av planförslag för Nordirland kallade Draft Northern Area Plan 2016 och Draft Magherafelt Area Plan 2015.


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