Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 4409192175647696494


Author: EurLex-2


(1) Das Vereinigte Königreich wird ermächtigt, einen ermäßigten Verbrauchsteuersatz auf unverbleites Benzin und Gasöl, das als Kraftstoff für Fahrzeuge ausgeliefert wird, in den Gebieten anzuwenden, die am Tag der Bekanntgabe des vorliegenden Beschlusses den folgenden Postleitzahlen zugeordnet sind: IV54 (Highland — Scotland), IV26 (Highland — Scotland), IV27 (Highland — Scotland), NE48 (Northumberland — England), PH41 (Highland — Scotland), KW12 (Highland — Scotland), PA80 (Argyll and Bute — Scotland), PH36 (Highland — Scotland), IV22 (Highland — Scotland), PA38 (Argyll and Bute — Scotland), PH23 (Highland — Scotland), PH19 (Highland — Scotland), IV21 (Highland — Scotland), LA17 (Cumbria — England), EX35 (Devon — England), IV14 (Highland — Scotland) und in dem Gebiet, das am Tag der Bekanntgabe des vorliegenden Beschlusses dem Postort Hawes (in North Yorkshire — England) zuzuordnen ist.
1. The United Kingdom is hereby authorised to apply a reduced rate of excise duty on gas oil and unleaded petrol, supplied as motor fuel to road vehicles, in the geographical areas covered, on the date of the notification of this Decision, by the postcode districts of IV54 (Highland, Scotland), IV26 (Highland, Scotland), IV27 (Highland, Scotland), NE48 (Northumberland, England), PH41 (Highland, Scotland), KW12 (Highland, Scotland), PA80 (Argyll and Bute, Scotland), PH36 (Highland, Scotland), IV22 (Highland, Scotland), PA38 (Argyll and Bute, Scotland), PH23 (Highland, Scotland), PH19 (Highland, Scotland), IV21 (Highland, Scotland), LA17 (Cumbria, England), EX35 (Devon, England), IV14 (Highland, Scotland) and in the geographical area covered, on the date of the notification of this Decision, by the post town of Hawes (North Yorkshire, England).
1 Annetaan Yhdistyneelle kuningaskunnalle lupa soveltaa alennettua valmisteverokantaa maantieajoneuvojen moottoripolttoaineeksi toimitettavaan kaasuöljyyn ja lyijyttömään bensiiniin maantieteellisillä alueilla, jotka tämän päätöksen tiedoksiantamispäivänä kuuluvat postinumeropiireihin IV54 (Highland – Skotlanti), IV26 (Highland – Skotlanti), IV27 (Highland – Skotlanti), NE48 (Northumberland – Englanti), PH41 (Highland – Skotlanti), KW12 (Highland – Skotlanti), PA80 (Argyll and Bute – Skotlanti), PH36 (Highland – Skotlanti), IV22 (Highland – Skotlanti), PA38 (Argyll and Bute – Skotlanti), PH23 (Highland – Skotlanti), PH19 (Highland – Skotlanti), IV21 (Highland – Skotlanti), LA17 (Cumbria – Englanti), EX35 (Devon – Englanti), IV14 (Highland – Skotlanti), sekä maantietellisiin alueiseen, joka tämän päätöksen tiedoksiantamispäivänä kuuluu Hawesin postinjakelualueeseen (North Yorkshire – Englanti).
(1) Az Egyesült Királyság kedvezményes adómértéket alkalmazhat a közúti járművekhez üzemanyagként szolgáltatott gázolaj és az ólmozatlan benzin esetében a IV54 (Highland – Skócia), IV26 (Highland – Skócia), IV27 (Highland – Skócia), NE48 (Northumberland – Anglia), PH41 (Highland – Skócia), KW12 (Highland – Skócia), PA80 (Argyll and Bute – Skócia), PH36 (Highland – Skócia), IV22 (Highland – Skócia), PA38 (Argyll and Bute – Skócia), PH23 (Highland – Skócia), PH19 (Highland – Skócia), IV21 (Highland – Skócia), LA17 (Cumbria – Anglia), EX35 (Devon – Anglia), IV14 (Highland – Skócia) postakörzetek által az e határozatról szóló értesítés időpontjában lefedett földrajzi területeken, valamint a Hawes postakerület (North Yorkshire megye – Anglia) által az e határozatról szóló értesítés időpontjában lefedett földtajzi területen.
(1) Regatul Unit este autorizat prin prezenta decizie să aplice o rată redusă a accizei la motorina și la benzina fără plumb furnizate drept carburant vehiculelor rutiere în zonele geografice care la data notificării prezentei decizii se află în districtele poștale: IV54 (Highland – Scotland), IV26 (Highland – Scotland), IV27 (Highland – Scotland), NE48 (Northumberland – England), PH41 (Highland – Scotland), KW12 (Highland – Scotland), PA80 (Argyll and Bute – Scotland), PH36 (Highland – Scotland), IV22 (Highland – Scotland), PA38 (Argyll and Bute – Scotland), PH23 (Highland – Scotland), PH19 (Highland – Scotland), IV21 (Highland – Scotland), LA17 (Cumbria – England), EX35 (Devon – England), IV14 (Highland – Scotland) și în zona geografică care la data notificării prezentei decizii se află în sectorul poștal Hawes (North Yorkshire – England).


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