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Author: jw2019


Dit was slegs deur uitgerekte ondersoeke deur die Dingell-onderkomitee, die Geheime Diens en die Buro vir Wetenskaplike Integriteit aan die NIH dat O’Toole se aantygings uiteindelik bewys is.
Human lamang sa hataas nga mga imbestigasyon sa sub-committee ni Dingell, ang Secret Service, ug ang Office of Scientific Integrity sa NIH nga ang mga sumbong ni O’Toole sa kataposan napamatud-an.
Μόνο έπειτα από διεξοδικές έρευνες που διεξήγαγε η υποεπιτροπή του Ντίνγκελ, οι Μυστικές Υπηρεσίες και το Τμήμα Επιστημονικής Ακεραιότητας του Εθνικού Ινστιτούτου Υγείας, τεκμηριώθηκαν τελικά οι κατηγορίες που είχε απευθύνει η Ο’ Τουλ.
It was only after lengthy investigations by the Dingell subcommittee, the Secret Service, and the Office of Scientific Integrity at NIH that O’Toole’s charges were finally substantiated.
Solo después de largas investigaciones a cargo del subcomité del señor Dingell, del servicio secreto y de la oficina de integridad científica del Instituto Nacional de la Salud, se comprobaron los cargos de la doctora O’Toole.
Il aura fallu de longues investigations de la sous-commission Dingell, des services secrets et du Bureau pour la probité scientifique (dépendant du NIH) pour que la validité des accusations portées par le docteur O’Toole soit enfin reconnue.
Kalpasan laeng iti nawatiwat nga imbestigasion ti subcommittee ni Dingell, ti Secret Service, ken ti Office of Scientific Integrity idiay NIH a napaneknekan a pudno dagiti pammabasol ni O’Toole kamaudiananna.
Solo dopo approfondite indagini da parte della sottocommissione Dingell, del Servizio Segreto, e dell’Ufficio per l’integrità della scienza degli Istituti Sanitari Nazionali è stata finalmente dimostrata la fondatezza delle accuse della O’Toole.
Foi somente depois de longas investigações feitas pela Subcomissão Dingell, pelo Serviço Secreto, e pelo Escritório de Integridade Científica dos NIH que as acusações da Dra. O’Toole foram finalmente comprovadas.
Det var först efter långdragna undersökningar av Dingells utskott, underrättelseväsendet och kansliet för vetenskaplig integritet vid National Institutes of Health som O’Tooles anklagelser till slut blev bestyrkta.
Tok Pisin[tpi]
Tasol lain komiti bilong Dingell wantaim lain polis (Secret Service) na narapela lain bilong saiens (Office of Scientific Integrity), ol i skelim dispela samting na ol i tok, tok bilong O’Toole em i stret.
Kuphela kwakungemva kokuhlola okwathatha isikhathi eside okwenziwa ikomiti elingaphansi likaDingell, Abaseshi Bomshoshaphansi, kanye neHhovisi Lobuqotho Bezesayensi eNIH lapho ekugcineni izimangaliso zikaO’Toole zaqinisekiswa ngobufakazi.


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