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Renaissance fashion was very pompous: typical for men and the large slings his coat with the sleeves cut off to see the lining, and for women a wide skirt, bodice at the bust to cues, the embroidered shirt and a rich zimarra. In Italy, the strict provisions of the Counter-inspired costumes stricter and simpler:'600 is typical of the severe black dress enlivened only by gorgiera, a huge white collar folds.
La moda rinascimentale era molto fastosa: tipiche tra gli uomini le brache larghe e la giubba con le maniche tagliate per far In Italia, le severe disposizioni della Controriforma ispirarono costumi più severi e più semplici: tipico del '600 è il severo abito nero ravvivato solo dalla gorgiera, un enorme colletto bianco a pieghe.


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