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Goruchwylir gweithrediad y fframwaith gwasanaeth cenedlaethol gan grŵp cynghori arennol Cymru gyfan, sy'n cynnwys cynrychiolaeth o blith cleifion arennol, meddygon, nyrsys, eraill sy'n ymwneud â gofalu am gleifion sydd â chlefyd yr arennau, y rhai sy'n gyfrifol am gomisiynu a darparu gwasanaethau arennol, a chynghorau iechyd cymuned.
The implementation of the NSF is overseen by the all-Wales renal advisory group, which comprises representation from kidney patients, doctors, nurses, others involved in the care of patients with renal disease, those responsible for commissioning and delivering renal services, and community health councils.


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