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The translation is: "Mahmoud Khan, son of Abdul Hamid I, victorious forever". The cannon defended one of several fortified towns that the Ottomans had refused to give up, but which the French contingent, under Marshal Maison, conquered quite easily. Navarino, Methoni, Koroni and Patras fell one after the other in October 1828, bringing Ottoman presence in Morea to an end.
Este cañón defendía una de las fortalezas que los otomanos se negaban a evacuar y que el contingente francés, dirigido por el mariscal Maison, conquista sin mucha dificultad: Navarin, Modon, Coron y Patras caen uno tras otro en el mes de Octubre de 1828, poniendo fin a la presencia otomana en Morea.


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