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This allowed those who had been declared enemies of the Church, called "suppressive persons" (SPs), "May be deprived of property or injured by any means...May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed". (taken from HCOPL Oct. 18, 1967 Issue IV, Penalties for Lower Conditions ) The aforementioned policy was canceled and replaced by HCOPL July 21, 1968, Penalties for Lower Conditions.
Questa prevede che coloro che sono stati dichiarati nemici di Scientology (cosiddette persone soppressive o più semplicemente SP), "possono essere private della proprietà o ferite con ogni mezzo ... Possono essere imbrogliate, le si può fare causa, mentire o distruggere" (fonte: HCOPL 18 Oct 67 Issue IV, "Punizioni per le Condizioni Inferiori").


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