Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 4695708382639805356


Author: cordis


Um dieses Problem anzugehen, schlugen die Wissenschaftler des EU-geförderten Projekts MIDGETRAP (An innovative semiochemical based tool for monitoring and control of biting midge vectors of bluetongue and Schmallenberg disease) vor, aus Urin identifizierte anziehende Gerüche zu verwenden, um Gnitzen in Fallen zu locken.
To address this, scientists on the EU-funded MIDGETRAP (An innovative semiochemical based tool for monitoring and control of biting midge vectors of bluetongue and Schmallenberg disease) project proposed to use attractive odours identified from urine as a means of luring biting midges to traps.
Para hacer frente a esta situación, los investigadores del proyecto financiado por la Unión Europea MIDGETRAP (An innovative semiochemical based tool for monitoring and control of biting midge vectors of bluetongue and Schmallenberg disease) se propusieron emplear olores atrayentes descubiertos en la orina como medio para atraer flebotomos a trampas.
Pour traiter cette question, des scientifiques du projet MIDGETRAP (An innovative semiochemical based tool for monitoring and control of biting midge vectors of bluetongue and Schmallenberg disease), financé par l'UE, ont proposé d'utiliser des odeurs attirantes identifiées de l'urine comme moyen pour attirer les brûlots dans des pièges.
Per affrontare questo problema, gli scienziati del progetto MIDGETRAP (An innovative semiochemical based tool for monitoring and control of biting midge vectors of bluetongue and Schmallenberg disease), finanziato dall’UE, hanno proposto di utilizzare odori che esercitano un effetto attrattivo identificati dall’urina come mezzo per attirare nelle trappole i moscerini pungenti.
Aby rozwiązać ten problem, naukowcy z finansowanego przez UE projektu MIDGETRAP (An innovative semiochemical based tool for monitoring and control of biting midge vectors of bluetongue and Schmallenberg disease) postanowili wykorzystać substancje zapachowe z moczu do wabienia kuczmanów w pułapki.


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