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The wine was of the best; the hall was redolent of rich summer flowers; and after supper we not only had music (Annie, to my mind, surpassing all the others for sweetness and clearness of voice, as well as for feeling and meaning), but at last we even got to telling stories, and sat there listening, with no other light but that of the summer moon streaming through the beautiful traceries of the windows, as if we had belonged to time long passed, when books were scarce and the art of reading somewhat rare.
Vino je bilo vrhunsko, prostorija je odisala mirisom bujnoga ljetnog cvijeća, a nakon večere imali smo ne samo glazbu (pri čemu je Annie, prema mom mišljenju, nadmašivala sve ostale milinom i jasnoćom glasa, kao i osjećajem i smislom za izvedbu) nego su se najzad stale kazivati priče te smo sjedili i slušali, a svijetlila nam je jedino ljetna mjesečina kroz krasne čipkaste ukrase na prozorima, kao da smo pripadali davno minulom vremenu, kad je knjiga manjkalo a umijeće čitanja bilo je rijetkost.


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