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China’s dam frenzy, however, shows no sign of slowing. The country’s dam builders, in fact, are shifting their focus from the dam-saturated internal rivers (some of which, like the Yellow, are dying) to the international rivers, especially those that originate on the water-rich Tibetan Plateau. This raises fears that the degradation haunting China’s internal rivers could be replicated in the international rivers. China, ominously, has graduated to erecting mega-dams. Take its latest dams on the Mekong: the 4,200-megawatt Xiaowan (taller than the Eiffel Tower in Paris) and the 5,850-megawatt Nuozhadu, with a 190-square-km reservoir. Either of them is larger than the current combined hydropower-generating capacity in the lower Mekong states. Despite its centrality in Asia’s water map, China has rebuffed the idea of a water-sharing treaty with any neighbor.
भारतमा विजुली निर्यात हुने यी दुई आयोजना र आन्तरिक खपतका लागि निर्माण हुने १४० मेगावाटको तनहु“ जलविद्युत आयोजनालाई अव वन क्षेत्रको जग्गा लिन सहज भएको छ । तनहु“ जलविद्युतले ४ सय १७ हेक्टर वन क्षेत्रको जग्गा लिनु पर्ने छ । यसका लागि वन क्षेत्रमा निवेदन दिइसकेको आयोजनाले जनाएको छ ।


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