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9 1WHEN SOLOMON finished the building of the Lord’s house and the king’s house, and all he desired and was pleased to do, 2The Lord appeared to Solomon the second time, as He had appeared to him at Gibeon. 3The Lord told him, I have heard your prayer and supplication which you have made before Me; I have hallowed this house which you have built, and I have put My Name [and My Presence] there forever.
Dios hace una alianza con Salomón 9 1Cuando Salomón terminó de construir el templo del Señor, el palacio real y todo lo que quiso hacer, 2se le apareció el Señor por segunda vez, como se le había aparecido en Gabaón, 3y le dijo: «He escuchado la oración y el ruego que me has hecho, y he consagrado este templo que has construido como residencia perpetua de mi nombre.


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