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He met with the fox, just as the eldest did, and received good advice from him without attending to it. And when he came to the two taverns, his brother was standing and calling to him at the window of one of them, out of which came sounds of merriment; so he could not resist, but went in and revelled to his heart's content. And then, as time went on, the youngest son wished to go forth, and to try his luck, but his father would not consent.
和他哥哥一样,他也遇到了同样的事情:首先是看到那只狐狸,狐狸同样给了他忠告;接着他来到两间小旅店门口,看到他的哥哥正站在那间寻欢作乐的旅店窗口叫他进去,他经不住那种诱惑,也走进了那间旅店,最后,也和他哥哥一样把金鸟、家庭忘到九霄云外去了。 又过了好些时候,园丁的小儿子同样也想出去寻找金鸟,可父亲怎么也不答应,因为他非常喜爱这个儿子,担心他去了会遭不幸而回不了家。


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