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It is painful to watch the spectacle of an intelligent African-American woman with progressive credentials transformed into an arrogant spokeswoman for this cruel punishment of the Cuban people, but at core, as in the case of Obama, whether they like it or not, upon reaching the White House they either abandon their previous ideals or they are forced to leave, as has happened already with several of the African-American’s collaborators.
Es penoso el espectáculo de una inteligente mujer afroestadunidense de antecedentes progresistas trasformada en una arrogante vocera del cruel castigo al pueblo cubano, pero en el fondo, como en el caso de Obama, ocurre que quieran o no, al llegar a la Casa Blanca o claudican de sus anteriores ideales o tienen que irse, como ha ocurrido ya con varios de los colaboradores del afroestadunidense.


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