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By means of His promises, which are like spears and javelins stored up in a strongly fortified place, the enemy is not only guarded against, but overthrown, as he clothes his wolves in sheep’s clothing (Mt 7:15), that they may say, ‘Lo, here is Christ, or there’ (Mt 24:23); and that they may separate many from the Catholic city which is built upon a hill, and bring them down to the isolation of their own snares, so as utterly to destroy them. And these men, knowing this, choose to receive the baptism of Christ without the limits of the communion of the unity of Christ’s body, though they intend afterwards, with the sacrament which they have received elsewhere, to pass into that very communion.
Con aquellas promesas, como con dardos y lanzas en torre bien defendida, no solo se está en guardia, sino también se derrota al enemigo, que viste a sus lobos con piel de ovejas para que clamen: Mira, aquí está el Mesías, míralo, allí está (Mt 24, 23), y aparten así del conjunto de la ciudad universal establecida sobre el monte a muchos fieles, los atraigan a los lazos de sus asechanzas y los devoren después de degollarlos; y aun conociendo esto, prefieren recibir el bautismo de Cristo fuera de la comunión del Cuerpo de Cristo, para trasladarse luego a la misma comunión con lo que hayan recibido en otra parte.


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