Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 5115411572139068486


Author: EurLex-2


Italien har i skrivelse af 9. juni 1983 anmodet Kommissionen om at indlede den i artikel 7 i forordning (EOEF) nr. 2784/79 fastsatte procedure for at afgoere, om apparatet »M.T.S. - Power Test System, consisting of: Load Unit, model 810.12, Hydraulic Service Manifolds, Servo Valve, model 252.24 and Control System, consisting of: Control Unit, model 436.11, Servo Controller, model 440.13, Valve Driver, model 440.14, DC Transducer Conditioner, model 440.21, model 440.22 and Controller, model 442.11«, bestilt den 14. april 1982 og bestemt til at anvendes til undersoegelser af beskadigelser i konstruktionsmaterialer, der udsaettes for oligocyklisk udmattelse ved hoeje temperaturer, skal anses som et videnskabeligt apparat, samt i bekaeftende fald, om der for tiden i Faellesskabet fremstilles apparater af tilsvarende videnskabelig vaerdi;
Italien hat mit Schreiben an die Kommission vom 9. Juni 1983 die Einleitung des in Artikel 7 der Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 2784/79 vorgesehenen Verfahrens beantragt, um festzustellen, ob das Gerät »M.T.S. - Power Test System, consisting of: Load Unit, model 810.12, Hydraulic Service Manifolds, Servo Valve, model 252.24 and Control System, consisting of: Control Unit, model 436.11, Servo Controller, model 440.13, Valve Driver, model 440.14, DC Transducer Conditioner, model 440.21, model 440.22 and Controller, model 442.11", bestellt am 14. April 1982 und bestimmt zur Untersuchung von Schäden an Baumaterialien, die olygozyklischen Belastungen bei hoher Temperatur ausgesetzt sind, wissenschaftlichen Charakter besitzt und wenn ja, ob zur Zeit Geräte von gleichem wissenschaftlichem Wert in der Gemeinschaft hergestellt werden.
ότι η ιταλική κυβέρνηση, με επιστολή της της 9ης Ιουνίου 1983, ζήτησε από την Επιτροπή να κινήσει τη διαδικασία που προβλέπεται στο άρθρο 7 του κανονισμού (ΕΟΚ) αριθ. 2784/79 για να καθορισθεί αν η συσκευή με την ονομασία «MTS - Power Test System, consisting of: Load Unit, model 810.12, Hydraulic Service Manifolds, Servo Valve, model 252.24 and Control System, consisting of: Control Unit, model 436.11, Servo Controller, model 440.13, Valve Driver, model 440.14, DC Transducer Conditioner, model 440.21, model 440.22 and Controller, model 442.11», που παραγγέλθηκε στις 14 Απριλίου 1982 και πρόκειται να χρησιμοποιηθεί για τη μελέτη της φθοράς που υφίστανται τα δομικά υλικά που υποβάλλονται σε ολιγοκυκλική καταπόνηση σε υψηλή θερμοκρασία, πρέπει να θεωρηθεί ή όχι επιστημονική και, σε περίπτωση καταφατικής απαντήσεως, αν συσκευές με ισοδύναμη επιστημονική αξία κατασκευάζονται επί του παρόντος στην Κοινότητα·
Whereas, by letter dated 9 June 1983, Italy requested the Commission to invoke the procedure provided for in Article 7 of Regulation (EEC) No 2784/79 in order to determine whether or not the apparatus described as 'MTS - Power Test System, consisting of: Load Unit, model 810.12, Hydraulic Service Manifolds, Servo Valve, model 252.24 and Control System, consisting of: Control Unit, model 436.11, Servo Controller, model 440.13, Valve Driver, model 440.14, DC Transducer Conditioner, model 440.21, model 440.22 and Controller, model 442.11', ordered on 14 April 1982 and intended to be used for the studies of damage in structural materials subjected to low-cycle fatigue at high temperatures, should be considered as a scientific apparatus and, where the reply is in the affirmative, whether apparatus of equivalent scientific value is currently being manufactured in the Community;
considérant que, par lettre du 9 juin 1983, l'Italie a demandé à la Commission d'engager la procédure prévue à l'article 7 du règlement (CEE) no 2784/79 en vue de déterminer si l'appareil dénommé « M.T.S. - Power Test System, consisting of: Load Unit, model 810.12, Hydraulic Service Manifolds, Servo Valve, model 252.24 and Control System, consisting of: Control Unit, model 436.11, Servo Controller, model 440.13, Valve Driver, model 440.14, DC Transducer Conditioner, model 440.21, model 440.22 and Controller, model 442.11 », commandé le 14 avril 1982 et destiné à être utilisé pour l'étude de la détérioration de matériaux structurels soumis à une fatigue oligocyclique à haute température, doit être considéré ou non comme un appareil scientifique et, en cas de réponse affirmative, si des appareils de valeur scientifique équivalente sont présentement fabriqués dans la Communauté;
considerando che, con lettera del 9 giugno 1983, l'Italia ha chiesto alla Commissione di avviare la procedura prevista dall'articolo 7 del regolamento (CEE) n. 2784/79 allo scopo di determinare se l'apparecchio denominato « MTS - Power Test System, consisting of: Load Unit, model 810.12, Hydraulic Service Manifolds, Servo Valve, model 252.24 and Control System, consisting of: Control Unit, model 436.11, Servo Controller, model 440.13, Valve Driver, model 440.14, DC Transducer Conditioner, model 440.21, model 440.22 and Controller, model 442.11 », ordinato il 14 aprile 1982 e destinato ad essere utilizzato per studi del danneggiamento di materiali strutturali sottoposti a fatica oligociclica ad alta temperatura, debba essere considerato o meno un apparecchio scientifico e, in caso affermativo, se apparecchi di valore scientifico equivalente siano attualmente fabbricati nella Comunità;
Overwegende dat, bij schrijven van 9 juni 1983, Italië de Commissie heeft verzocht de procedure in te leiden geregeld in artikel 7 van Verordening (EEG) nr. 2784/79 om vast te stellen of het apparaat genaamd »MTS - Power test system, consisting of: Load unit, model 810.12, Hydraulic service manifolds, Servo valve, model 252.24 and Control system, consisting of: Control unit, model 436.11, Servo controller, model 440.13, Valve driver, model 440.14, DC transducer conditioner, model 440.21, model 440.22 and Controller, model 442.11", besteld op 14 april 1982 en bestemd om gebruikt te worden bij de bestudering van beschadigingen aan constructiemateriaal dat onderworpen is aan oligocyclische stress onder hoge temperatuur, al dan niet als een wetenschappelijk apparaat dient te worden beschouwd en, indien het antwoord bevestigend luidt, of momenteel in de Gemeenschap apparaten met gelijke wetenschapplijke waarde worden vervaardigd;


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