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Author: WikiMatrix


Historians speculate that leftover tubers (and maize) were carried ashore and planted: "We think that the potato arrived some years before the end of the 16th century, by two different ports of entry: the first, logically, in Spain around 1570, and the second via the British Isles between 1588 and 1593 ... we find traces of the transport of potatoes travelling from the Canaries to Antwerp in 1567 ... we can say that the potato was introduced there from South America around 1562 ... the first written mention of the potato ... a receipt for delivery dated 28 November 1567 between Las Palmas in the Grand Canaries and Antwerp."
Historialariek hausnartu dute soberan geratu ziren tuberkuluak (eta artoa) lurrera eraman zirela eta landatu zirela: "Uste dugu patata 16. mendearen bukaera baino urte batzuk lehenago ailegatu zela, bi sarrera iturri ezberdinetatik: lehenengoa, logikoena, Espainian 1570a inguru, eta bigarren sarrera Britainiar uharteetatik, 1588 eta 1593 artean... pataten bidaien aztarnak topatu ditugu Kanaria uharteetatik Anberesera 1567. urtean... esan dezakegu patata bertara sartu zela Hego Amerikatik 1562 bitartean... idatzita dagoen patataren lehenengo aipamena entrega ordainagiri bat da, 1567ko azaroaren 28tzat jotzen dena, Las Palmasetik (Gran Kanaria) Anberesera."


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