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Τότε, μιλόρδε, πρέπει να δηλώσω ότι δεν υπήρξε έγκλημα... από την στιγμή που δεν υπάρχει σερ'ρθουρ Μπλέηκ... και εφ` όσων ο άνθρωπος που κατηγορείται ότι το διέπραξε... είναι ήταν την στιγμή της υποτιθέμενης παράβασης... ο ίδιος ο σερ Μπλέηκ βαρονέτος του Μπρίθολμ!
Then, milord, I must submit that there has been no crime... since there is no Sir Arthur Blake... and since the man accused of committing it... is and was at the time of the alleged offense... himself Sir Benjamin Blake... baronet of Breetholm.
Alors, milord, je dois soumettre qu'il n'y a pas eu de crime... puisqu'il n'y a pas de sir Arthur Blake... et puisque l'accusé... est et était au moment de l'offense alléguée... lui-même sir Benjamin Blake, baronnet de Breetholm.
Então, meu senhor, não houve crime... pois não há Sir Arthur Blake... e como o homem acusado de cometer... foi e é no momento da alegada violação... Sir Benjamin Blake, Barão de Breetholm.
Atunci, milord, trebuie să afirm nu a existat nicio faptă... din moment ce nu există niciun Sir Arthur Blake... şi de vreme ce persoana acuzată de comiterea ei... este şi era la vremea presupusei fapte... însuşi Sir Benjamin Blake... baronet de Breetholm.


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