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On this basis the Council established the principle that "while all appearance of indifferentism and confusion is ruled out, as well as any appearance of unhealthy rivalry, Catholics should collaborate in a spirit of fellowship with their separated brothers and sisters in accordance with the norms of the Decree on Ecumenism: by a common profession of faith in God and in Jesus Christ before the nations - to the extent that this is possible - and by their cooperation in social and technical as well as in cultural and religious matters."
Erre épül a zsinat tanítása: „A katolikusok fogjanak össze különvált testvéreikkel, amiben csak lehet, együtt vallják meg Istenbe és Jézus Krisztusba vetett hitüket a pogányok előtt, csak távol legyen tőlük minden hitközömbösség, a hitigazságok elködösítése, éppúgy mint az esztelen versengés”.[
His profecto fundamentis sententia innititur Concilii: “Seclusa omni tam indifferentismi et confusionismi quam insanae aemulationis specie, communi, pro quanto datur, professione fidei in Deum et in Iesum Christum coram Gentibus, atque cooperatione in re tam sociali et technica quam culturali et religiosa, catholici fraterne collaborent cum fratribus a se seiunctis ad normas Decreti de Oecumenismo” (Ibid. 15; cfr.


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