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Cardinal Peretti –quite old and sickly– walking painfully with his cane, seemingly was not a courageous man; so Cardinals, reunited in a Conclave, elected him Pope (Sixtus V) and thought they were able to manage him at will; but as soon as he knew about his election, stood up straight, threw away his cane and said: “For many years I have hidden my feelings; now I command”.
Aquel cardenal Peretti, viejecito, achacoso, que caminaba penosamente apoyado en su bastón, no tenía la apariencia de un hombre valiente; por eso los cardenales, reunidos en cónclave, lo eligieron Papa (Sixto V), pensando que podían manejarlo a su antojo; pero él, cuando supo de su elección, enderezó su cuerpo, arrojó lejos de sí su bastón y dijo: “Muchos años he ocultado mis sentimientos; ahora mando yo”.


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