Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 5713547061520499565



ACCURAT will make its novel methodology for under-resourced areas of MT openly accessible in respect to comparability metrics, methods and techniques of alignment for comparable corpora, methods and techniques of information extraction from aligned comparable corpora at different levels (document, paragraph, phrase / word), methods and techniques of collecting comparable corpora from the Web as well as collections of comparable corpora for the project languages.
ACCURAT će učiniti slobodno dostupnima svoje inovativne metodologije za jezike i domene s nedostatnim resursima za sljedeća područja: mjerenje usporedivosti, metode i tehnike sravnjivanja usporedivih korpusa, metode i tehnike crpljenja obavijesti iz usporedivih korpusa sravnjenih na različitim razinama (dokument, odlomak, fraza, riječ), metode i tehnike prikupljanja


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