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Israel vil undgå en procedure af samme slags, som resulterede i den berømte Goldstone-rapport om krigen i Gaza. De fem dommere i den kommission – hvoraf fire aldrig havde lagt skjul på deres militante antizionisme – brugte kun få dage på at sammenflikke 575 siders interview med palæstinensiske militsfolk og civile, og interviewene var gennemført under nøje tilsyn fra Hamas’ politiske kommissærer.
What Israel does not want is a procedure of the kind that resulted in the famous Goldstone report commissioned, after the war in Gaza, by the same sympathetic Commission whose five judges, four of whom had never made a secret of their militant anti-Zionism, wrapped up 575 pages of interviews of Palestinian fighters and civilians conducted (an absolute and unprecedented heresy in this kind of work) under the watchful eye of Hamas political commissioners in a matter of mere days.


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