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In the brochure citizens will be able to find key dates connected to the introduction of the new currency; instructions where, when and how to exchange the currencies; issues regarding the cash and credit card payments during the introduction; which are the institutions responsible for smooth functioning of ATMs; how the commercial banks will operate during the holidays that coincide with the dates of the changeover and what happens to legal contracts denominated in Slovenian tolars after the introduction of euro.
V publikaciji "Evro pred vrati" najdemo ključne datume, ki so pomembni za samo uvedbo nove valute in datume menjave, napotke, kje in kako zamenjati denar, kako bo potekalo plačevanje z gotovino in plačilnimi karticami, katere so ključne ustanove odgovorne za nemoteno delovanje bančnih avtomatov, kako bodo banke poslovale med prazniki ter kako bo s pogodbami po uvedbi evra.


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