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Certainly, as your wiser historians state, the Hungarian nation would not have held their occupied areas either very long or very prosperously unless the Gospel had led it, freed from the yoke of superstition, to accept these well-known principles: to respect natural law, to do harm to no one, to be merciful, to pursue peace, to be subject to princes as to God, and to practice brotherhood at home and abroad.
Sane, quod prudentiores vestrarum rerum scriptores aiunt, occupatas istic regiones natio Hungarorum nec diu nec prospere tenuisset, nisi eam doctrina et gratia evangelica, iugo superstitionis exemptam, monendo ac mitigando, ad illa adduxisset, iura gentium vereri, laedere neminem, clementiam induere, colere studia pacis, principibus tamquam Deo subesse, fraternitatem domi iurisque exercere. — Admirabili modo, in GEIZA duce et in primoribus gentis, catholicae fidei apud vos consecrata sunt initia; agente in primis sancto episcopo ADALBERTO, viro apostolicis laboribus et martyrii denique laurea clarissimo.


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