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In respect of customers with a poor credit history, the Group will use written payment reminders, or shorten or cancel credit periods, to ensure the overall credit risk of the Group is limited to a controllable extent.(3) Liquidity risk Cash flow forecasting is performed by each subsidiary of the Group and aggregated by the Group's finance department in its headquarters. The Group's finance department at its headquarters monitors rolling forecasts of the Group's short-term and long-term liquidity requirements to ensure it has sufficient cash and securities that are readily convertible to cash to meet operational needs, while maintaining sufficient headroom on its undrawn committed borrowing facilities from major financial institution so that the Group does not breach borrowing limits or covenants on any of its borrowing facilities to meet the short-term and long-term liquidity requirements.
本集团会定期对客户信用记录进行监控,对于信用记录不良 的客户,本集团会采用书面催款、缩短信用期或取消信用期等方式,以确保本集团的整体信用风险 在可控的范围内。 (3) 流动风险 本集团内各子公司负责其自身的现金流量预测。 总部财务部门在汇总各子公司现金流量预测的基础 上,在集团层面持续监控短期和长期的资金需求,以确保维持充裕的现金储备和可供随时变现的有 价证券;同时持续监控是否符合借款协议的规定,从主要金融机构获得提供足够备用资金的承诺, 以满足短期和长期的资金需求。


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