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Author: cordis


Wissenschaftler des EU-finanzierten Projekts COMBIMS (A novel drug discovery method based on systems biology: combination therapy and biomarkers for multiple sclerosis) machten sich daran, die biologischen Netze zu untersuchen, die bei einer MS involviert sind und zu verstehen, wie sich bestehende MS-Behandlungen auf diese Netze auswirken.
Scientists on the EU-funded COMBIMS (A novel drug discovery method based on systems biology: combination therapy and biomarkers for multiple sclerosis) project set out to understand the biological networks involved in MS and how current MS therapies affect these networks.
El equipo de científicos del proyecto financiado por la Unión Europea COMBIMS (A novel drug discovery method based on systems biology: combination therapy and biomarkers for multiple sclerosis) se propuso comprender las redes biológicas asociadas a la EM y el efecto de los tratamientos para la EM utilizados actualmente sobre estas redes.
Les scientifiques du projet COMBIMS (A novel drug discovery method based on systems biology: combination therapy and biomarkers for multiple sclerosis), financé par l'UE, ont tenté de comprendre les réseaux biologiques impliqués dans la SP et comment les traitements de SP affectent ces derniers.
Gli scienziati del progetto COMBIMS (A novel drug discovery method based on systems biology: combination therapy and biomarkers for multiple sclerosis), finanziato dall’UE, hanno cercato di conoscere meglio le reti biologiche coinvolte nella malattia e il modo in cui esse sono colpite dalle terapie attuali.
W ramach projektu COMBIMS (A novel drug discovery method based on systems biology: combination therapy and biomarkers for multiple sclerosis), finansowanego ze środków UE, naukowcy starali się zrozumieć sieci biologiczne uczestniczące w SM oraz wpływ terapii przeciwko SM na te sieci.


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