Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 6231794716170994970



Έτσι, όταν είδα ότι η σοδειά θα είναι πάρα πολύ μεγάλη... ως πρόεδρος των σιτοπαραγωγών έπρεπε να βρω έναν τρόπο... για τη συγκομιδή και την πώληση.
So as soon as I saw the crop was gonna be too big for us to handle, being President of the wheat growers association, I guess it was up to me to figure out a way to get the crops harvested and off to the market.
Como la cosecha será muy grande para manejarla, el presidente de la asociación triguera... me ha pedido que busque la forma de cosechar el trigo... y llevarlo al mercado.
Como a colheita será muito produtiva nesta safra, o presidente da associação trigueira decidiu arrumar uma forma melhor de colher o trigo que seja rápida e armazenado logo em seguida.


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