Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 628368040835539230



Y cyngor gorau y gallwn ei gynnig i'm hetholwr oedd y gallwn ysgrifennu at Gyngor Sir Powys gan ofyn iddo fod yn drugarog ac arfer yr hawl a roddwyd iddo gan y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol i roi arwystl ar y ty yn unig , ac i sicrhau na fyddai'r ty ond yn cael ei werthu wedi i'w fam farw , fel y câi gynllunio i'r dyfodol
The best advice that I could offer my constituent was that I could write to Powys County Council asking it to be lenient and to use the waiver given to it by the National Assembly to only place a charge on the house , and to ensure that the house would only be sold after his mother's death , which would allow him to plan ahead


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