Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 6385754044174432155


Author: Tico19


Besides the surfactant and skin-protecting agent, the sophisticated formulations may contain acids (acetic acid, ascorbic acid, lactic acid) as pH regulator, antimicrobially active benzoic acid and further skin conditioners (aloe vera, vitamins, menthol, plant extracts).A comprehensive analysis from the University of Oregon School of Public Health indicated that plain soaps are as effective as consumer-grade anti-bacterial soaps containing triclosan in preventing illness and removing bacteria from the hands.
Kurdish Kurmanji[ku]
Li kêleka ajanên sûrfaktan û çerm-parêz, di nav formulên sofîstîke de dibe ku asîd (asetîk asîd, askorbîk asîd, laktîk asîd) wek regulatorên pHê, asîda aktîf benzoîk a antîmîkrobiyal û kondîsyonerên çerm (aloe vera, vîtamîn, mentol, ekstraktên riwekan) hebin. Analîzeke berfireh a ji Zanîngeha Oregon Dibistana Tenduristiya Gel ve pêkhatî diyar kir ku sabûnên sade bi qasî sabûnên antî-bakteriyel ên pile-mişterî ku tê de trîklosan hene efektîf in di pêşîgirtina nexweşiyê û durxistina bakteriyan ji destan de.


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