Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 6472864270481449058



In Hyesan, Ryanggang Province, a son who returned home after 10 years of military service and a daughter who was living at their mother's house after marriage had been fighting for months over ownership of the residence, and their neighbors were said to have been unsuccessful in their attempts to assist in finding a resolution.
소식통이 밝힌 사건 경위는 이렇다. 양강도 혜산시내의 한 집에서 10년 군복무를 마치고 집으로 돌아온 아들과, 시집은 갔지만 엄마 집에 눌러앉아 살림하던 딸이 집을 놓고 몇 달째 싸움을 벌였고, 동네 이웃들이 나섰지만 말릴 수가 없었다고 한다.


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