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After attending an April 11, 1865, speech in which Lincoln promoted voting rights for blacks, an incensed Booth changed his plans and became determined to assassinate the president.[327] Learning that the President and Grant would be attending Ford's Theatre, Booth formulated a plan with co-conspirators to assassinate Lincoln and Grant at the theater, as well as Vice President Johnson and Secretary of State Seward at their homes.
4월 11일 링컨의 흑인 투표권을 위한 연설을 들은 후 몹시 화난 부스는 그의 계획을 수정해 링컨을 암살하기로 한다.[45] 대통령 부부가 포드 극장 에 갈 예정임을 알고, 부스는 공범자들과 함께 부통령 앤드루 존슨과 서기 윌리엄 H. 세이워드를 암살하기로 한다.


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