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But, father, don't you think that a young woman equally pure and virtuous as Miss Chant, but one who, in place of that lady's ecclesiastical accomplishments, understands the duties of farm life as well as a farmer himself, would suit me infinitely better?' His father persisted in his conviction that a knowledge of a farmer's wife's duties came second to a Pauline view of humanity; and the impulsive Angel, wishing to honour his father's feelings and to advance the cause of his heart at the same time, grew specious. He said that fate or Providence had thrown in his way a woman who possessed every qualification to be the helpmate of an agriculturist, and was decidedly of a serious turn of mind.
可是,父亲,你有没有想到过,如果一个人和梅茜·羌特小姐一样纯洁贤淑,尽管那位小姐的优点不在宗教方面,但是她能够像一个农场主那样懂得种地,对我来说是不是更加合适呢 ? " 他的父亲坚持自己的观点,认为一个农场主的妻子首先得有保罗对待人类的眼光,其次才是种庄稼的本事;安琪尔一时受到感情的驱使,他既要尊重他的父亲的感情,同时又要促成心中的婚姻大事,所以就说了一番貌似有理的话来。 他说,命运或者上帝已经给他挑选了一个姑娘,无论从哪方面说,那个姑娘都配得上做一个农业家的伴侣和帮手,也肯定具有端庄稳重的性情。


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