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Brif Weinidog, dywedir mai yn y manylion y mae'r diafol a mwyaf o fanylion y gyllideb hon a ddaw i'r golwg, mwyaf y gwelwn mai addewid gwag oedd addewid George Osborne i warchod y rhai mwyaf agored yn ein cymdeithas a hynny er mwyn rhoi siwgr yn y wermod y mae'n gorfodi ei gyfeillion ym mhlaid y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol i'w lyncu.
First Minister, it is said that the devil is in the detail, and the more that the detail of this budget is revealed, the more that we see that George Osborne's pledge to protect the most vulnerable in society was little more than a shallow promise to sweeten the bitter pill that he is forcing his Lib Dem colleagues to swallow.


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