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31 And hath filled him with the spirit of God, with wisdom and understanding and knowledge and all learning. 32 To devise and to work in gold and silver and brass, 33 And in engraving stones, and in carpenters' work. Whatsoever can be devised artificially, 34 He hath given in his heart: Ooliab also the son of Achisamech of the tribe of Dan: 35 Both of them hath he instructed with wisdom, to do carpenters' work and tapestry, and embroidery in blue and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine linen, and to weave all things, and to invent all new things.
30 梅瑟向以色列子民说 : 「 你们看,上主已提名,召叫了犹大支派的乌黎的儿子,胡尔的孙子贝匝肋耳, 31 使他充满天主的神,使他有智慧、技能和知识,能做各种工程, 32 能设计图案,能用金、银、铜制造器物, 33 能雕刻宝石,加以镶嵌,雕刻木头,制造各种艺术工程。 34 上主又赐给他和丹支派的阿希撒玛客的儿子敖曷里雅布领导的才能, 35 使他们充满艺术的才能,能雕刻刺绣,并用紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线和细麻作绣花及编织的各种工作,能作各种工程,能设计图案 。 」


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