Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 6886088807170809383



Gid came in being careful not to step on the tiles still wet for the mixture of water and soda with which they had been washed after the dishes, went through the pantry in which Carlyle was bottling the wine (he was so engaged that he didn't even noticed him) and then came in the little laundry, the little room under the stairs furnished with an old table, full of worms for the low light and the little air it received, submerged from clothes still to be ironed, a few chairs, a large wood-fired boiler, the wash, strings for the washing hung from the ceiling and running from wall to wall, heavy was - tubs of every size and large rattan baskets that covered the walls.
Gid si fece avanti prestando attenzione a non calpestare le mattonelle ancora umide della mistura di acqua e soda con cui erano state lavate dopo le stoviglie del pranzo; passò attraverso la dispensa in cui Carlyle stava imbottigliando il vino (era talmente impegnato che neppure se ne avvide) e giunse quindi nella piccola lavanderia, il sottoscala arredato con un vecchio tavolo, colmo di tarli per la poca luce e la poca aria che riceveva, sommerso di panni da stirare, qualche sedia, una grande caldaia a legna, il lavatoio, corde per stendere che si appendevano al soffitto e correvano da una parete all'altra, pesanti conche di ogni misura e grandi cesti in rattan che rivestivano i muri.


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