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Author: WikiMatrix


In January 2017, a research group at the University of Beira Interior in Portugal published a study on the antimicrobial properties of coriander oil (coriander being one of the main spices in the most basic of biltong recipes) against 12 bacterial strains, and found that 10 of the 12 strains of bacteria were killed with a relatively mild concentration of coriander oil (1.6%).
2017ko urtarrilean, Portugaleko Beira Interior Unibertsitateko ikerketa talde batek, martorri olioak dituen (martorria biltong errezeta oinarrizkoenetan gehien erabiltzen den espezia da) 12 bakterio anduien kontrako propietate antimikrobiarrei buruzko ikerlana aurkeztu zuen, eta 12 bakterio anduietatik 10, martorri olio konzentrazio nahiko txikiarekin (1.6%) hil egiten zirenaz ohartu ziren.


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