Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 6936086734765728007


Author: WikiMatrix


In France, there were the Renault Dauphine, Renault 8 and Simca 1000, while in Germany there were the Volkswagen Beetle and NSU Prinz, in Italy there were the Fiats 500 and 600, and in Britain there was the Hillman Imp, all of which employed the rear-engined concept.
In Frankrijk waren er de Renault Dauphine, Renault 8 en Simca 1000, terwijl er in Duitsland de Volkswagen Kever en NSU Prinz waren, in Italië de Fiat 500 en 600 en in Groot-Brittannië was er de Hillman Imp, die allemaal het concept met de motor achterin hadden.


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