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In this complete renunciation of things, when he was already almost blind, he was able to sing the immortal Canticle of Creatures, and likewise the praises of our brother Sun; the praises of the things in the whole of nature which had become for him a clear and pure reflection of the divine glory" (Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete in Domino, IV: AAS 67, [1975] 307).
Nella assoluta rinuncia ai beni della terra e benché ormai quasi cieco, egli elevò l’immortale Cantico delle Creature: le lodi di nostro frate sole, le lodi delle cose dell’intera natura, la quale era divenuta per lui un puro e terso specchio della gloria divina” (Paolo VI, Gaudete in Domino, IV: AAS 67 [1975] 307).
In rerum abdicatione quam maxime, iam fere caecus, ipse immortale “ Canticum Creaturarum ” canere valuit, itemque laudes nostri fratris solis, laudes rerum naturae universae, quae ipsi facta fuit velut lucidum purumque divinae gloriae speculum ” (Adhort. Ap. Gaudete in Domino, IV: AAS 67 (1965), p.


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