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Here are his words: “The Sour Kroutt, the Men at first would not eat it, until I put it in practice – a method I never once Knew to fail with seamen – and this was to have some of it dressed every day for the Cabin Table, and permitted all the Officers, without exception, to make use of it, ...... but this practice was not continued above a Week before I found it necessary to put everyone on board to an allowance; for such are the Tempers and disposition of Seamen in general that whatever you give them out of the common way – although’ it be ever so much for their good – it will not go down, and you will hear nothing but murmurings against the Man that first invented it; but the moment they see their superiors set a value upon it, it becomes the finest stuff in the world and the inventor an honest fellow.”
Leamos sus palabras: “Al principio los hombres no querían comer el chucrut, hasta que puse en práctica un método que jamás he visto fallar con los marineros, consistente en prepararlo cada día en la mesa del comandante y permitir a todos los oficiales que hagan uso de él... Tras solo una semana debe asignársele una ración de chucrut a cada hombre: es en realidad este el ánimo de los marineros en general, cualquier cosa que les sea dada fuera de lo usual se niegan a tragarla; pero tan pronto ven que los superiores la consideran buena, se convierte en la mejor cosa del mundo”.


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