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Since they believed God's word absolutely and regarded it as more precious than their own lives, they were spiritually victorious as the warriors of truth even though sometimes they wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground, sometimes they faced jeers and flogging, sometimes they were chained and put in prison, and were even put to death. The Roman Catholic Church joined hands with the government of Rome and chose a path pleasing in the eyes of the world, instead of a God-pleasing path.
하나님께서 주신 말씀을 절대적으로 믿었고 생명보다 귀히 여겼기 때문에 때로는 광야와 산중과 암혈과 토굴에 유리하고 때로는 희롱과 채찍질뿐 아니라 결박과 옥에 갇히는 시험을 당하고 죽임을 당하면서도 영적으로 승리한, 진리의 용사들이 되었던 것입니다.로마 정부와 손잡은 로마 가톨릭은 하나님 보시기에 좋은 길보다 세상이 볼 때 좋은 길을 택했습니다.


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