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Author: EuroParl2021


Επί παραδείγματι, θα αναφερθώ στις θέσεις που έχουν συναφώς υιοθετηθεί από τρεις ενώσεις για την προάσπιση των δικαιωμάτων πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας: την Association littéraire et artistique internationale, ALAI Report and Opinion on a Berne-compatible reconciliation of hyperlinking and the communication to the public right on the internet, της 17ης Ιουνίου 2015 (όπου διατυπώνει διαφορετική άποψη από εκείνη την οποία είχε εκφράσει στις 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013)· την European Copyright Society, Opinion on the Reference to the CJEU in Case C‐466/12 Svensson, της 18ης Φεβρουαρίου 2013, και την International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Resolution on Linking and Making Available on the Internet, της 20ής Σεπτεμβρίου 2016.
See, for example, the positions adopted on that subject by three copyright associations: the International Literary and Artistic Association, ALAI Report and Opinion on a Berne-compatible reconciliation of hyperlinking and the communication to the public right on the internet, adopted on 17 June 2015 (modifying the position on the same subject adopted on 15 September 2013); the European Copyright Society, Opinion on the Reference to the CJEU in Case C‐466/12 Svensson, of 18 February 2013, and the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Resolution on Linking and Making Available on the Internet, of 20 September 2016.
A modo de ejemplo, mencionaré las posiciones adoptadas a este respecto por tres asociaciones de derechos de autor: Association littéraire et artistique internationale, ALAI Report and Opinion on a Berne-compatible reconciliation of hyperlinking and the communication to the public right on the internet, adoptada el 17 de junio de 2015 (por la que se modifica la posición sobre la misma cuestión adoptada el 15 de septiembre de 2013); European Copyright Society, Opinion on the Reference to the CJEU in Case C‐466/12 Svensson, de 18 de febrero de 2013, e International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Resolution on Linking and Making Available on the Internet, de 20 de septiembre de 2016.
Mainitsen esimerkkinä kolmen tekijänoikeusjärjestön hyväksymät tätä asiaa koskevat kannat: Association littéraire et artistique internationale, ALAI Report and Opinion on a Berne-compatible reconciliation of hyperlinking and the communication to the public right on the internet, hyväksytty 17.6.2015 (jolla on muutettu samaa asiaa koskeva 15.9.2013 hyväksytty kanta); European Copyright Society, Opinion on the Reference to the CJEU in Case C‐466/12 Svensson, hyväksytty 18.2.2013, ja International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Resolution on Linking and Making Available on the Internet, hyväksytty 20.9.2016.
À titre d’exemple, je mentionnerai les positions adoptées à ce sujet par trois associations de droit d’auteur : Association littéraire et artistique internationale, ALAI Report and Opinion on a Berne-compatible reconciliation of hyperlinking and the communication to the public right on the internet, adoptée le 17 juin 2015 (modifiant la position sur le même sujet adoptée le 15 septembre 2013) ; European Copyright Society, Opinion on the Reference to the CJEU in Case C-466/12 Svensson, du 18 février 2013, et International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Resolution on Linking and Making Available on the Internet, du 20 septembre 2016.
Példaként említem azokat az álláspontokat, amelyeket ezzel kapcsolatban három szerzői jogi egyesület fogadott el: Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale, ALAI Report and Opinion on a Berne‐compatible reconciliation of hyperlinking and the communication to the public right on the internet, elfogadva 2015. június 17‐én (ez az ugyanezen tárgyban 2013. szeptember 15‐én elfogadott álláspontot módosítja); European Copyright Society, Opinion on the Reference to the CJEU in Case C‐466/12 Svensson, 2013. február 18., valamint International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Resolution on Linking and Making Available on the Internet, 2016. szeptember 20.
A titolo di esempio, citerò le posizioni assunte al riguardo da tre associazioni di tutela del diritto d’autore: Association littéraire et artistique internationale, ALAI Report and Opinion on a Berne‐compatible reconciliation of hyperlinking and the communication to the public right on the internet, adottata il 17 giugno 2015 (che modifica la posizione sullo stesso argomento adottata il 15 settembre 2013); European Copyright Society, Opinion on the Reference to the CJEU in Case C‐466/12 Svensson, del 18 febbraio 2013, e International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Resolution on Linking and Making Available on the Internet, del 20 settembre 2016.
Piemēram, minēšu nostājas, kuras šajā ziņā ir pieņēmušas trīs autortiesību apvienības: Starptautiskā literatūras un mākslas darbu apvienība, ALAI Report and Opinion on a Berne-compatible reconciliation of hyperlinking and the communication to the public right on the internet, kas pieņemts 2015. gada 17. jūnijā (ar kuru ir grozīta 2013. gada 15. septembrī pieņemtā nostāja par šo pašu jautājumu); European Copyright Society, 2013. gada 18. februāra Opinion on the Reference to the CJEU in Case C‐466/12 Svensson, un Starptautiskā intelektuālā īpašuma aizsardzības apvienība, 2016. gada 20. septembra Resolution on Linking and Making Available on the Internet.
Bij wijze van voorbeeld zal ik de standpunten dienaangaande van drie auteursrechtenorganisaties vermelden. Association littéraire et artistique internationale, ALAI Report and Opinion on a Berne-compatible reconciliation of hyperlinking and the communication to the public right on the internet, vastgesteld op 17 juni 2015 (houdende wijziging van het standpunt over hetzelfde onderwerp van 15 september 2013); European Copyright Society, Opinion on the Reference to the CJEU in Case C‐466/12 Svensson, van 18 februari 2013, en International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Resolution on Linking and Making Available on the Internet, van 20 september 2016.
Tytułem przykładu wymienię stanowiska zajęte w tym przedmiocie przez trzy stowarzyszenia prawa autorskiego: Association littéraire et artistique internationale, ALAI Report and Opinion on a Berne-compatible reconciliation of hyperlinking and the communication to the public right on the internet, przyjęte w dniu 17 czerwca 2015 r. (zmieniające stanowisko w tej samej kwestii przyjęte w dniu 15 września 2013 r.) ; European Copyright Society, Opinion on the Reference to the CJEU in Case C‐466/12 Svensson, z dnia 18 lutego 2013 r. oraz International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Resolution on Linking and Making Available on the Internet, z dnia 20 września 2016 r.
A título de exemplo, mencionarei as posições adotadas em relação a este assunto por três associações de direitos de autor: Association littéraire et artistique internationale, ALAI Report and Opinion on a Berne‐compatible reconciliation of hyperlinking and the communication to the public right on the internet, adotada em 17 de junho de 2015 (modificando a posição sobre o mesmo assunto adotada em 15 de setembro de 2013); European Copyright Society, Opinion on the Reference to the CJEU in Case C‐466/12 Svensson, de 18 de fevereiro de 2013, e International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Resolution on Linking and Making Available on the Internet, de 20 de setembro de 2016.
Cu titlu de exemplu, vom menționa pozițiile adoptate în această privință de trei asociații pentru drepturi de autor: Asociația literară și artistică internațională, ALAI Report and Opinion on a Berne‐compatible reconciliation of hyperlinking and the communication to the public right on the internet, adoptată la 17 iunie 2015 (care modifică poziția cu privire la același subiect adoptată la 15 septembrie 2013), European Copyright Society, Opinion on the Reference to the CJEU in Case C‐466/12 Svensson, din 18 februarie 2013 și International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Resolution on Linking and Making Available on the Internet, din 20 septembrie 2016.
Som exempel vill jag nämna de ståndpunkter som i det hänseendet har intagits av tre olika upphovsrättsorganisationer: Association littéraire et artistique internationale, ALAI Report and Opinion on a Berne-compatible reconciliation of hyperlinking and the communication to the public right on the internet, antagen den 17 juni 2015 (och innebärande en ändring av den ståndpunkt i samma fråga som hade antagits den 15 september 2013), European Copyright Society, Opinion on the Reference to the CJEU in Case C‐466/12 Svensson, av den 18 februari 2013, och International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Resolution on Linking and Making Available on the Internet, av den 20 september 2016.


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