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In July 404 BC, they summoned Lysander back to Athens, where he supervised the change of government; an oligarchic politician, Dracontides, proposed in the council to place the government in the hands of thirty chosen men; Theramenes supported this motion, and, with Lysander threatening to punish the Athenians for failing to dismantle the walls quickly enough unless they assented, it passed the assembly.
En xullo de -404, pediron a Lisandro que volvese a Atenas, onde supervisou o cambio de goberno; un político oligarca, Dracóntides, propuxo no consello depositar o goberno en mans de trinta homes escollidos; Terámenes apoiou esta moción, e, con Lisandro ameazando con castigar aos atenienses pola deixar de desmantelar os muros rápida e suficientemente a menos que o fixesen, pasouno á asemblea.


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