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Outside it was still raining, everyone must be asleep, but we can't be sure, there are people who sleep so lightly that even the whine of a mosquito is enough to wake them, then they get up, go to the kitchen for a glass of water, look casually out of the window and see a black rectangular hole in the wall of the school, and perhaps think, They're awfully careless at that school, imagine leaving a window open in weather like this, or, If I remember rightly, that window was closed, it must have been blown open by the wind, no one is going to think there's a thief inside, besides, they'd be quite wrong, because Senhor José, may we remind you once again, has not come here to steal.
Fuera continuaba lloviendo, el vecindario debía de dormir, pero no podemos fiarnos mucho de eso, hay personas con un sueño tan leve que incluso el zumbido de un mosquito basta para despertarlas, después se levantan, van a la cocina a beber un vaso de agua, miran casualmente hacia fuera y ven un agujero rectangular negro en la pared del colegio, tal vez comenten, Qué poco cuidado tienen los de la escuela, con un tiempo como éste dejan la ventana abierta, o, Si no recuerdo mal, aquella ventana estaba cerrada, habrá sido la fuerza del viento, nadie va a pensar que puede entrar un ladrón dentro, además errarían radicalmente, porque don José, lo recuerdo una vez más, no vino a robar.


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