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Author: EuroParl2021


(46) Анализ на дължащите се на държавата нарушения на пазара в отраслите за производство на феросплави и силиций на Китай — акцент върху феросплавите — приложение 4 към искането за преглед с оглед изтичане на срока на действие на мерките — глава 5.5., стр.
(46) Analysis of State-induced Market-Distortions in the Chinese Ferroalloys and Silicon Industries – Ferroalloy Focus – příloha 4 žádosti o přezkum před pozbytím platnosti, kapitola 5.5, s.
(46) Analysis of State-induced Market-Distortions in the Chinese Ferroalloys and Silicon Industries — Ferroalloy Focus (bilag 4 til anmodningen om en udløbsundersøgelse) — kapitel 5.5, s.
(46) Analysis of State-induced Market-Distortions in the Chinese Ferroalloys and Silicon Industries – Ferroalloy Focus - παράρτημα 4 της αίτησης επανεξέτασης ενόψει της λήξης ισχύος των μέτρων – κεφάλαιο 5.5, σ.
(46) Analysis of State-induced Market-Distortions in the Chinese Ferroalloys and Silicon Industries – Ferroalloy Focus – Annex 4 of the expiry review request – Chapter 5.5, p.
(46) Analysis of state-induced market distortions in the Chinese ferroalloys and silicon industry – Ferroalloy Focus [«Análisis de las distorsiones del mercado inducidas por el Estado en la industria china de las ferroaleaciones y el silicio, particularmente en las ferroaleaciones» (anexo 4 de la solicitud de reconsideración por expiración)], capítulo 5.5, p.
(46) Analysis of State-induced Market-Distortions in the Chinese Ferroalloys and Silicon Industries – Ferroalloy Focus (toimenpiteiden voimassaolon päättymistä koskevasta tarkastelusta esitetyn pyynnön liite 4), 5.5 luku, s.
(46) Analysis of State-induced Market-Distortions in the Chinese Ferroalloys and Silicon Industries — Ferroalloy Focus (analyse des distorsions du marché d’origine étatique dans les secteurs chinois des ferro-alliages et du silicium — section consacrée aux ferro-alliages) (annexe 4 de la demande de réexamen au titre de l’expiration des mesures) — Chapitre 5.5, p.
(46) Analysis of State-induced Market-Distortions in the Chinese Ferroalloys and Silicon Industries – Ferroalloy Focus (Analiza narušavanja tržišta u kineskoj industriji ferolegura i silicija koje je uzrokovala država – naglasak na ferolegure) – Prilog 4. zahtjevu za reviziju zbog predstojećeg isteka mjera – poglavlje 5.5., str.
(46) Analysis of State-induced Market-Distortions in the Chinese Ferroalloys and Silicon Industries – Ferroalloy Focus (Analisi delle distorsioni del mercato determinate dallo Stato nell’industria cinese delle ferroleghe e del silicio, con particolare attenzione al ferrosilicio) (allegato 4 della domanda di riesame in previsione della scadenza) – capitolo 5.5, pag.
(46) „Analysis of State-induced Market-Distortions in the Chinese Ferroalloys and Silicon Industries – Ferroalloy Focus“ (prašymo atlikti priemonių galiojimo termino peržiūrą 4 priedas), 5.5 skyrius, p.
(46) Analiżi ta’ distorsjonijiet tas-suq ikkawżati mill-Istat fl-Industrija tal-Ferroligi u s-Siliċju — Focus fuq il-Ferroligi — l-Anness 4 tat-talba għal rieżami ta’ skadenza — il-Kapitolu 5.5, p.
(46) “Analysis of State-induced Market-Distortions in the Chinese Ferroalloys and Silicon Industries — Ferroalloy Focus” — bijlage 4 bij het verzoek om een nieuw onderzoek in verband met het vervallen van de maatregelen — hoofdstuk 5.5, blz.
(46) Analiza zakłóceń rynku spowodowanych ingerencją państwa w chiński przemysł żelazostopów i silikonu, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem żelazostopów – załącznik 4 do wniosku o dokonanie przeglądu wygaśnięcia – rozdział 5.5, s.
(46) Analysis of State-induced Market-Distortions in the Chinese Ferroalloys and Silicon Industries – Ferroalloy Focus (anexo 4 do pedido de reexame da caducidade) - capítulo 5.5, p.
(46) Analiza distorsiunilor pieței induse de stat în industria chineză a aliajelor feroase și a siliciului – cu accent pe aliaje feroase – anexa 4 la cererea de reexaminare în perspectiva expirării măsurilor – capitolul 5.5, p.
(46) Analýza štátom spôsobených deformácií trhu v čínskych odvetviach výroby ferozliatin a kremíka – zameranie na ferozliatiny – príloha 4 k žiadosti o revízne prešetrovanie pred uplynutím platnosti – kapitola 5.5, s.
(46) Analysis of State-induced Market-Distortions in the Chinese Ferroalloys and Silicon Industries – Ferroalloy Focus (Analiza izkrivljanja trga s strani države v kitajski industriji železovih zlitin in silicija) (Priloga 4 k Zahtevku za pregled zaradi izteka ukrepa), poglavje 5.5, str.
(46) Analysis of State-induced Market-Distortions in the Chinese Ferroalloys and Silicon Industries – Ferroalloy Focus – bilaga 4 till begäran om översyn vid giltighetstidens utgång – kapitel 5.5, s.


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