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Author: elitreca-2022


Също така, Европейски орган за ценни книжа и пазари: ‘ Discussion Paper - ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation, 2013 г.
Viz rovněž Evropský orgán pro cenné papíry a trhy: diskusní dokument – ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation ( Politiky orgánu ESMA týkající se možných opatření v rámci nařízení o zneužívání trhu ), 2013.
Også Den Europæiske Værdipapirtilsynsmyndighed: » Discussion Paper - ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation «, 2013.
Außerdem: Europäische Wertpapieraufsichtsbehörde, Discussion Paper – ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation, 2013.
Επίσης, Ευρωπαϊκή Αρχή Κινητών Αγορών και Αξιών « Discussion Paper - ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation », 2013.
Also, European Securities and Markets Authority, Discussion paper — ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the market abuse regulation, 2013.
Asimismo, Autoridad Europea de Mercados y Valores, « Discussion Paper — ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation », 2013.
Samuti Euroopa Väärtpaberiturujärelevalve: „ Discussion Paper - ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation ”, 2013.
Lisäksi: Euroopan arvopaperimarkkinaviranomainen ( ESMA ): Discussion Paper - ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation, 2013.
Mais aussi: Autorité européenne des marchés financiers, Discussion Paper - ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation ( Document de réflexion – Orientations stratégiques de l ’ AEMF concernant les éventuelles mesures d ’ exécution relatives au règlement sur les abus de marché ), 2013.
Valamint Európai Értékpapír-piaci Hatóság: „ Discussion Paper - ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation ” ( Az ESMA szakpolitikai orientációja a piaci visszaélésekről szóló rendelethez kapcsolódó esetleges végrehajtásai intézkedésekkel kapcsolatban – vitaanyag ), 2013.
Barra minn hekk, l-Awtorità Ewropea tat-Titoli u s-Swieq, “ Discussion Paper - ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation ” ( Dokument ta ’ Diskussjoni - Orjentazzjonijiet ta ’ politika tal-ESMA dwar miżuri possibbli ta ’ implimentazzjoni taħt ir-Regolament dwar l-Abbuż tas-Suq ), 2013.
Zie ook Europese Autoriteit voor effecten en markten: „ Discussienota — Beleidsrichtsnoeren van ESMA inzake mogelijke uitvoeringsmaatregelen in het kader van de marktmisbruikverordening ”, 2013.
Ver igualmente o documento da Autoridade Europeia dos Valores Mobiliários e dos Mercados ( ESMA ) Discussion Paper — ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation ( documento de reflexão sobre as orientações políticas da ESMA relativas a possíveis medidas de execução ao abrigo do Regulamento « Abuso de Mercado » ), 2013.
De asemenea, Autoritatea Europeană pentru Valori Mobiliare și Piețe ( ESMA ): Discussion Paper — ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation ( Document de dezbatere – Orientările de politică ale ESMA cu privire la posibilele măsuri de punere în aplicare în temeiul Regulamentului privind abuzul de piață ), 2013.
Pozri tiež Európsky orgán pre cenné papiere a trhy: diskusný dokument – ESMA ’ s Policy Orientations on Possible Implementing Measures under the Market Abuse Regulation ( Politiky orgánu ESMA týkajúce sa možných opatrení v rámci nariadenia o zneužívaní trhu ), 2013.
Tudi: Evropski organ za vrednostne papirje in trge ( ESMA ): „ Discussion Paper - ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation ” ( dokument za razpravo – usmeritve politike organa ESMA v zvezi z morebitnim izvajanjem ukrepov v okviru uredbe o zlorabi trga ), 2013.
Även Europeiska värdepappers-och marknadsmyndigheten: Discussion Paper – ESMA ’ s policy orientations on possible implementing measures under the Market Abuse Regulation ( diskussionsunderlag – Esmas policy för möjliga tillämpningsföreskrifter under förordningen om marknadsmissbruk ), 2013.


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