Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 771112654150969064



Ymhellach i'ch ateb i gwestiwn Jocelyn Davies y bore yma , a groesawyd , a ydych yn ymwybodol bod sawl ceisiwr lloches yn dioddef o broblemau corfforol , yn ogystal â phroblemau iechyd meddwl , o ganlyniad i'r profiadau a arweiniodd iddynt ffoi o'u gwledydd , sydd yn cynnwys canlyniadau artaith ? A ydych hefyd yn ymwybodol nad ydynt yn derbyn asesiadau iechyd arbenigol y mae ganddynt hawl eu cael o dan ganllawiau'r Swyddfa Gartref ? A drafodwch â'r Gweinidog dros Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a'r Swyddfa Gartref i sicrhau y caiff hynny ei unioni ar frys , gan fy mod yn deall bod rhai ceiswyr lloches yr ystyrir bod perygl iddynt gyflawni hunanladdiad nad ydynt yn derbyn cyngor yn eu hieithoedd eu hunain ? Ymhellach i fater yr iaith , a godwch gyda'r Swyddfa Gartref y ffaith ei bod yn defnyddio system gyfieithu ddrud a ddarperir dros y ffôn , a chynnig ei bod yn chwilio am gyfieithwyr lleol yn ardal Caerdydd , fel y gall pobl gael cyfieithiad wyneb yn wyneb ?
Further to your answer to Jocelyn Davies's question this morning , which was welcome , are you aware that many detainees are suffering from physical , as well as mental health problems , as a result of the experiences that led to their fleeing from their home countries , which include the aftermath of torture ? Are you further aware that they are not receiving the specialist health assessments to which they are entitled under the Home Office's guidelines ? Will you liaise with the Minister for Health and Social Services and the Home Office to ensure that that is rectified as a matter of urgency , as I understand that there are some detainees who have been deemed to be suicide risks who are not receiving counselling in their own languages ? Further to the language issue , will you raise with the Home Office the fact that it is using an expensive translation system provided over the telephone , and suggest that it looks for local translators in the Cardiff area , so that people can have face-to-face translation ?


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